58 research outputs found


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    National culture, among other factors, largely determines organizational behavior. The paper relates to influence of national culture on certain types of organizational behavior such as: motivation, organizational changes and communication process. Introductory section emphasizes the importance ofĀ  proper understanding of the relationship between national and organizational culture, especially emphasizing the role of cultural factors that largely determine organizational behavior in modern conditions. The author first provides an overview of different perspectives in defining national culture. To explain the influence of national culture on certain forms of organizational behavior, the author uses Hofstede dimensions of national cultures. In that context, the author analyzes the influence of national culture on motivation and organizational changes. Various forms of communication that represent the consequence of different cultural influences are anylyzed further in the article. Final section of the paper provides conclusions about influence of national culture on motivation, organizational changes and communication process. Key words:Ā  national culture, organization, management, organizational behavior

    The influence of organizational culture on leadership ā€“ case study Montenegro

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    Cilj ovoga rada je ispitati utjecaj organizacijske kulture na liderstvo. Pretpostavka da organizacijska kultura utječe na liderstvo podrazumijeva da dominacija različitih vrsta kultura u organizaciji implicira različite stilove liderstva. Empirijsko istraživanje obuhvatilo je uzorak od 16 poduzeća (423 zaposlenih) u Crnoj Gori koji su odgovorili na pitanja postavljena u istraživanju. Analiza dobivenih podataka je izvrÅ”ena metodom Hi kvadrat testa (Chi square test). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da organizacijska kultura ima izravan i značajan utjecaj na izbor stila liderstva u analiziranim poduzećima tj. da različiti tipovi organizacijske kulture, ovisno od svog sadržaja, imliciraju različitelstiloveiliderstva.The aim of this paper is to examine the influence of organizational culture on leadership. The assumption that organizational culture affects leadership implies that dominance of different types of cultures in an organization implies different styles of leadership. Empirical research encompassed a sample of 16 companies (423 employees) in Montenegro where respondents answered the survey questions. The analysis of data obtained was conducted by Chi square test. The research findings showed that different types of organizational culture, depending on their content, imply different styles of leadership

    The effect of expression of the catalytic domain of myosin light chain kinase on the contractile properties of non-muscle cells

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    The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of new trends in the business of modern organizations. Emphasis is placed on the processes that characterize modern organizations, namely: globalization, sustainability, information technology and modern organizational structures. The paper analyzes the extent to which modern organizations fit into the trends of globalization and sustainability, and the extent to which they apply modern information technologies and organizational structures. In order to have a more successful analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of these trends have been identified. The paper shows that the successful operation of modern organizations depends on the degree to which they have managed to master these trends and implement them in their business strategies. All these processes result in connecting and networking organizations, developing democratic relations in management and decision -making, which has a positive impact to greater employee motivation and more efficient business

    Arrest of Ships ā€“ The International Conventions on Arrest of Ships

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    This paper discusses the most important questions concerning the temporary arrest of seagoing ships through solutions given in the existing international conventions. Special attention is given to the changes contained in the International Convention on Arrest of Ships of 1999 that came into force on 14 September, 2011, compared to the previous Convention of 1952. The basic approach to the principle of temporary arrest of ships remained unchanged according to the Convention of 1999 compared to the 1952 Convention. Still, temporary arrest of ships can only be effected for maritime claims. Having in mind that the 1999 Convention increases the number of maritime claims in relation to the Convention of 1952, and in a way that certain maritime claims that were previously considered claims for purely business relationship, for which creditors had not been able to enjoy the protection relating to arrest of the ship, are deemed to be maritime claims. Changes were also made to the right of re-arrest and multiple arrest of the ship. Convention of 1999 does not greatly alter the existing international regulations as established by the previous Convention, but attempts to additionally specify certain solutions contained in both the Conventions, in terms of their improvement and modernization

    Retinoic acid-induced SoX3 gene expression in NT2/D1 cells is RXR homodimer-independent

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    Sox3/SOX3 gen je uključen u kontrolu razvića nervnog sistema. NaÅ”a prethodna istraživanja su pokazala da tokom neuralne indukcije NT2/D1 ćelija retinoičnom kiselinom (RK) dolazi do promene ekspresije humanog SOX3 gena. Takođe, pokazali smo da su RXR retinoidni receptori glavni posrednici efekta RK na SOX3 ekspresiju, dok su članovi RAR familije receptora isključeni kao njihovi heterodimerni partneri u ovom signalnom putu. Rezultati predstavljeni u ovom radu ukazuju da je aktivacija SOX3 gena retinoičnom kiselinom nezavisna od RXR homodimera. Ova izučavanja ekspresije SOX3 gena su značajna za buduća istraživanja uticaja koji ovaj gen ima na različite aspekte normalnog i patoloÅ”kog razvića.The Sox3/SOX3 gene is implicated in the control of nervous system development. We previously demonĀ­strated modulation of human SOX3 gene expression during neural induction of NT2/D1 cells by retinoic acid (RA). Also, we accurately verified RXR retinoid receptors as major mediators of the effect of RA on SOX3 expression, and excluded RARs as its heterodimeric partners in RA-SOX3 signaling. Here we present evidence that activation of the SOX3 gene by RA is not RXR homodimer-dependent. The described line of SOX3 gene expression studies is valuable for future investigation of the impact that this gene has multiple aspects of normal and pathological development

    Gene expression analysis by non-radioactive RNA-RNA in situ hybridization techniques

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    RNK-RNK in situ hibridizacija je pogodna metoda za izučavanje specifične ekspresije gena u tkivima i ćelijama, kojom je omogućena vizualizacija obeležene antisens RNK probe hibridizovane za specifičnu iRNK. U ovom radu prikazano je detektovanje ekspresije SOX gena u tumorskim ćelijskim linijama primenom neradioaktivne RNK-RNK in situ hibridizacije koristeći RNK probe obeležene biotinom ili digoksigeninom. Koristeći ovaj pristup potvrđeni su rezultati dobijeni Northern blot analizom, tj. pokazano je prisustvo SOX2 iRNK u NT2/D1 i SOX14 iRNK u HepG2 ćelijama. Cilj ovog rada bio je uspostavljanje RNK-RNK in situ hibridizacije na in vitro kultivisanim ćelijama da bi metodu primenili pri proučavanju ekspresije SOX gena u različitim normalnim i tumorskim tkivima.RNA-RNA in situ hybridization is a reliable method for studying tissue and cell specific gene expression, which enables visualization of labeled antisense RNA probe hybridized to specific mRNA. In this study we employed non-radioactive RNA-RNA in situ hybridization using biotin- or digoxigenin-labeled RNA probes in order to detect SOX gene expression in carcinoma cell lines. By this approach we confirmed results obtained by Northern blot analysis, where the presence of SOX2 mRNA in NT2/D1 and SOX14 mRNA in HepG2 cells has been established. Our aim was to set up RNA-RNA in situ hybridization method in in vitro cultured cells in order to perform further analyses of SOX gene expression on various normal and cancer tissues

    Activation of the HSV-TK promoter in control reporter vector pBLCAT5 by liganded nuclear retinoid receptor RXRĪ±

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    Vektorski sistemi koji sadrže reporterske gene su Å”iroko koriŔćeni za ispitivanje regulatornih DNK elemenata. Promotori patogenih virusa sisara najčeŔće se koriste kao bazalni promotori u ovim reporterskim sistemima. OpÅ”te je prihvaćena pretpostavka da se pouzdani rezultati mogu dobiti samo pod uslovom da na aktivnost virusnog promotora ne utiču faktori koji deluju in trans ili bilo koji drugi primenjeni eksperimentalni tretmani. U ovom radu smo pokazali da ligandom indukovani nuklearni receptor RXRa aktivira HSV-TK promotor u kontrolnom reporterskom vektoru pBLCAT5. Na osnovu prikazanih rezultata može se zaključiti da vektorske sisteme koji imaju TK kao bazalni promotor treba koristiti samo posle detaljnog testiranja regulacije ekspresije ovog promotora. Pri tome je neophodno primeniti eksperimentalne uslove specifične za pojedina istraživanja da bi se izbegle pogreÅ”ne interpretacije rezultata.Widely used reporter vector systems for studying the putative regulatory DNA elements usually contain basal promoters from pathogenic mammalian viruses. It is a common assumption that reliable results can be achieved only if the viral promoter activity is unaffected by transacting factors or any experimental treatment. Here we report that liganded nuclear retinoid receptor RXRa stimulates the HSV-TK promoter in control reporter vector pBLCAT5. Thus, TK driven reporter vectors should be employed only after thorough testing of the regulation of this promoter under experimental stimuli for a particular research purpose in order to avoid unreliable interpretation of the assay results

    Characterization of transcription factors binding to-120 GATA motif of rat Ī²bminy-globin promoter

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    Cilj ovog rada je bio rasvetljavanje regulacije transkripcije adultnog Ī²bminy-globinskog gena pacova. Da bi se okarakterisali transkripcioni faktori uključeni u ovu regulaciju, upotrebljena je metodologija koja je obuhvatila "footprint" (otisak proteina na DNK), "gel shift" (metoda usporene pokretljivosti u gelu) i "supershift" (metoda kompeticije antitelom u "gel shift"-u) eseje. U ovom radu je analiziran GATA motiv lociran na-120 bp distalnog promotora Ī²bminy-globinskog gena. "Footprint" analiza je otkrila vezivanje nuklearnih faktora iz MEL ćelija za GATA motiv. Uz pomoć "gel shift" eseja detektovana su dva proteinska kompleksa. Kompleks koji je brže migrirao u gelu je eritroidno-specifičan i zastupljeniji je u diferencirajućim MEL ćelijama. Eksperimenti kompeticije sa GATA-1 oligonukleotidom i GATA-1 antitelima potvrdili su vezivanje GATA-1 transkripcionog faktora za GATA motiv na poziciji-120 adultnog Ī²bminy-globinskog gena pacova.The aim of this study was to elucidate the regulation of rat adult Ī²bminy-globin gene transcription. We used DNasel foot printing, gel mobility shift and super shift assays to characterize transcription factors involved in this regulation. In this study we analyzed GATA motif at-120 bp in the distal promoter of Ī²bminy-globin gene. Footprint analysis revealed the binding of nuclear factors from MEL cells to the GATA motif. By using gel mobility shift assay two protein complexes were detected. The faster migrating complex was erythroid-specific and more abundant in differentiating MEL cells. Competition experiments with GATA-1 oligonucleotides and GATA-1 protein antibodies confirmed binding of GATA-1 transcription factor to GATA motif at - 120 bp regulation of rat adult Ī²bminy-globin gene

    Up-regulation of the SOX3 gene expression by retinoic acid: characterization of the novel promoter-response element and the retinoid receptors involved

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    Sox3/SOX3 gene is considered to be one of the earliest neural markers in vertebrates and it is implicated in the genetic cascades that direct brain formation. We have previously shown that early phases of differentiation and neural induction of NT2/D1 embryonal carcinoma cells by retinoic acid ( RA) involve up-regulation of the SOX3 gene expression. Here, we present identification of a novel positive regulatory promoter element involved in RA-dependent activation of the SOX3 gene expression in NT2/D1 cells. This element represents a direct repeat 3-like motif that directly interacts with retinoid X receptor (RXR) alpha in a sequence-specific manner. It is capable of independently mediating the RA effect in a heterologous promoter context and its disruption caused significant reduction of RA/RXR transactivation of the SOX3 promoter. Furthermore, by using synthetic antagonists of retinoid receptors, we have shown for the first time, that RA-induced SOX3 gene expression could be significantly down-regulated by the synthetic antagonist of RXR. Also, this data showed that RXRs, but not RA receptors, are mediators of RA effect on the SOX3 gene up-regulation in NT2/D1 cells. Presented data will be valuable for future investigation of SOX3 gene expression, not only in NT2/D1 model system, but also in diverse developmental, physiological and pathological settings
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